Keyshot surface assignment

Started by peterbrown77, March 11, 2015, 02:29:40 AM

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Hola -

I'm evaluating Keyshot and running the 14 day trial.  It's an impressive and easy-to-use package.  My question is this:  Can I assign materials to specific surfaces?  For example, I have a lathe-turned cylinder with a knurled area (the rest is smooth).  The knurled surface is on a distinct diameter.  I can only seem to assign a material/bump map to the entire part though.  It's kind of a deal-breaker.

The parts are coming from PTC Creo; I've also exported from Creo STEP and IGES files but get the same behavior.  Is there a technique that I'm not using correctly, because I've looked in the PDF manual and can't find an answer.



All you need to do is break out the surfaces in Creo. Simply asking different colors to the individual surfaces you want to break out. This will allow you to assign different materials to individual surfaces once imported into KeyShot.



Here is the tutorial link that will answer your question:
It was made by Esben Oxholm.



Thanks to both of you.  My first import had different colors assigned but was treated as one, so I thought that was default behavior.  I just did a different part that had a spot of red on it, and it was maintained during the import.  Must be something wrong with my initial part; I'll make a few more attempts.


If you use the plugin then you can also maintain assembly colors. This can be controlled under the settings tab in the plugin.


What i learned was that, at least with Creo, colors assigned at the assembly level would overwhelm the entire part where if the colors were applied to the desired surfaces at the part level, Keyshot would allow me to have different materials on the same part.