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ferrari f12

Started by blender974, February 11, 2015, 01:08:00 AM

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if this is the image you were trying to replicate, I think you did a smashing job.

Arian Shamil

yeah, Adam_M is right!!!
You did an outstanding job Florian!!! :)
I simply love it!!!


Yes exactly , I took this picture in reference to test the same illumination.

but with my personal touch ;)


well, i must tell you, is a great job! you deserve more compliments .
I think your keyshot render is better than one you replied! I like tire material realism, and wheels too! Light is perfect for me.
I would push a little bit the front car, with some noise on plastic material.
Thumb up man!!!!!


Nice work Blender !
Be careful with your paint that you don't have the refraction set too high.  When you go too high it really makes your paint go into all different directions. Your starting to loose your color.
Notice your hood has a magenta hue then when you go to the side the paint goes into a dark maroon muddy feeling.
Your almost there would love to see you tweak the paint and repost.



thank you for your comments .

feher : you raions , but I'm color blind , it's a real brain colorimetry head for me ! ;)

but yes, I understand the brown , I'll try to see that.

thank you very much !

see you soon


Am trying to see any difference between this one and the first one in this post ... can't find it.

I agree with Tim on this one.  The hood tones pink-ish, while the side tones brown-ish.  That makes it look weird.  But I understand the reason for it.
Maybe have someone with you while you tweak that color ?


The hood on the new render appears to have an IES light or something on it. It's too bright, the color doesn't flow with the rest of the car.


ok thank you ,
but now I stop to this render ;)