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Started by Nismo400R, February 23, 2015, 09:14:50 AM

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Yet another lunch time KeyShot render session for fun!
Plus...probly the best use of the stock environment lol

Magnus Skogsfjord

That's pretty cool!

Did you model it yourself? If so: What software? Did you use labels to achieve the rust look?


That's some amazing texture work!

Ed Ferguson


Modeling was done in MAYA however not by my hand...
Actually not a single label is used on this, each section of the model has a 1:1 UV unwrap, and taking advantage of diffuse texture with specular instead of bump, it pulled off the rust areas that interupt the paint shine perfectly.
The bump maps made it look too harsh and ridged, so I opted out of the bump maps and really pushed the specular channel.