Test architectural exterior rendering

Started by codisesan, February 26, 2015, 03:02:38 AM

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3D Model : ArchiTECH.PC
Adding details : Sketchup 2015
Vegetation 3d : Xfrog libraries


QuoteToo digital.

I agree, sort of.  There's a new trend in architectural rendering I'm seeing a lot of lately, which is quite digital, with no apologies.  Whether it's because rendering artists don't know or have access to the latest and greatest like KeyShot, or whether it's a style that's catching on, I'm not sure.

It may also be a conscious cut-back from full realism, which is likely.  I say this as I know several rendering artist pros who know how to do it, but don't, usually at the client's request.

But oddly, it does not bother me, and can be most effective advertising and promotion.

I rather like the digital look of the first image, but it needs to be pushed further.  The stonework is a bit bright, and could use some careful bump map work, and toned down a bit.  Also they look a bit large to me.  But I like the contrast of the image, especially if it's a promo piece.

That said, I really don't like the 2nd image.  I think the issue is the HDR dome and lighting, and it not working with the materials.  Night or evening scenes are tough, and the dome needs to be carefully thought out.  Also, for night or evening, good interior lighting is a must.

Keep pushing!  I personally think you're on the right track.

bill G

satish gobind

good work but realism is missing
check out this image day and night view!