High Gloss Plastic - best way to achieve this

Started by ldichiara, April 23, 2015, 01:12:59 PM

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Hi Everyone -
I am currently trying to render a series of images in which I need to achieve a high gloss plastic - in white.
For my settings I am using the materials 2k environment and a material selection of hard plastic - shiny.
Initial settings show very minimal 'gloss' and 'sheen' - does anyone have any suggestions on a better way to achieve this?
I have just started to play with the refraction index settings and dialed this all the way up to see what that yields. On preview it looks good but not sure if this will blow everything out;
Any suggestions are appreciated.

Thank you



Don't limit yourself to using the "correct" material.  For example, I often use a gloss paint rather than plastics.  And a metallic paint rather than chrome for many metals, as you can the tweak the heck out of it for reflection, etc.

It would help if you could post some of your attempts for reference.

Bill G


Don't forget .. that reflective surface needs something to reflect .. so lighting and environement detail is equaly important as your material setup !!