Sound in keyshot

Started by ArtGraphics, June 15, 2015, 10:19:31 AM

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Hello, today unfortunately I can not be able to do something like this (see link below) with KeyShot, and here I was wondering if maybe in future versions you plan to begin to integrate even a little part in this audio beautiful rendering engine? Type such as an option in KeyshotVR where the mouse click on an object you can start an audio file preloaded. Type how nell'html5. There are hopes for the future to be able to do a thing with KeyShot / keyshotVR: ???


Ciao, ad oggi purtroppo credo non sia possibile riuscire a fare una cosa del genere (vedi link in basso) con keyshot, ed ecco che mi chiedevo se magari nelle future versioni avete in progetto di iniziare ad integrare anche un pò la parte audio in questo bellissimo motore di rendering? Tipo ad esempio un opzione in KeyshotVR dove al click del mouse su un oggetto è possibile far partire un file audio precaricato. Tipo come funziona nell'html5. Ci sono speranze per il futuro di riuscire a fare una cosa del genere con keyshot/keyshotVR: ???


If it's music you want playing in the background you can already do this via HTML, and I would think Dynamic HTML would have extended upon this too




No but I mean a sound interactive. Have you looked at that's cool that link I put it? Sounds with the cubes so cool :) :)

Look here:


Non-response by the staff I do not think that is such a feature in their projects. that displeasure.


Hi ArtGraphics - KeyShot won't do it automatically for you. You have to do this with DHTML as already stated or you need to write an app as was done with the sample URL you gave. KS does not at this time support audio. That is something that is done in post production (dubbing), just like in the movies.



ma perchè sarebbe cosi difficile ad esempio associare una voce "allega file audio" all'oggetto e in keyshotVR quando si fa click del mouse parte l'audio?