Can't Make Forum Posts Using Safari

Started by br3ttman, May 28, 2015, 07:38:06 PM

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I can no longer make Forum posts using Safari.  For the past couple months I could still make forum posts in Safari, as long as they were just text posts.  But if I wanted to upload images I had to reboot into Windows Bootcamp. Now I can't even post text posts in Safari.  I get errors saying that my session has time out.


Testing . . . Looks like today I can post text again . . .


And images!  Did you fix something?  Thanks!


Yeah I have issues with IE all the time.  I need to open it up in chrome in order to search or make posts ...


Im having trouble with safari too, but not just with the KS forum, lots of other sites and forums too. Bah, they're all cr@p


My suggestion is always use chrome. But if you're the type that doesn't like things being connected to your accounts all the time and don't mind not having the same system on your mobile device then firefox is a good alternative.
But avoid IE and Safari whenever possible. If you look at web developer sites, those browsers lack of compatibility with new things are pretty much what is holding back the design of all things internet.


I don't do Chrome... won't do anything 'Google'! Don't let Google get a monopoly on the internet... they're already too big and have too many interests in areas that don't concern them (taxi's; military killer bots; electronic tagging; and now they have become the 'Ministry of Truth' from 1984!)

I think I'll look into Firefox.



Yeah, maybe stick with Safari then. I'm sure Apple has no interest in using the information they gather from you to benefit themselves.  :o


apple just as bad... they're pushing for a cashless global society

Rob Woods

I had a similar problem.  I ended up deleting the KeyShot cookie from Safari and - Bob's Your Uncle!


I'm having the opposite issue, I can't post in Chrome - same session timeout error posted by others earlier. I end up having to load up IE and posting from there, which seems to work fine. Although, most everything i do is in Chrome, so its usually a bit of hassle to switch over whenever I want to post.