Keyshot acting strange. Changes material that is not even linked.

Started by squashie, June 18, 2015, 08:02:40 PM

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So you know how you hold a material over a part and get a preview of the how it will look? Well, when I do that alot of other parts (not linked, change to that material)
Without releasing the material I put it back into the selection tab.
Now the part that I previewed changed back to original state. but a bunch of other materials changed.
Here is the link to before and after

You can see everything is black and USB is light blue. Once dark blue plastic is moved over the USB, other parts turn same color.
This material is not applied to the USB and it goes back to default, except for the other parts that stay that way.


the worst part about this, is this even happens to hidden objects. So if you have say 3 versions of that board there, some of the parts may change material and you're not even aware.

BUT, I've noticed it doesn't happen if you apply the materials using the scene tree instead of the objects in the scene. I've had to change my workflow a few times to get things to work as I expect them to.