Ford GT on a sunny day!

Started by sebbeL, September 27, 2015, 12:08:54 PM

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The Ford GT

The modell i got from Nils Piirma.
so i just tried to use a more perspective backplate
and i think i worked it out good.

cc are welcome! so bring it on  :D


The render is nice, but the saturation is too much high for me :)

I have notice a little strange reflaction on the body of the car.  :)

Will Gibbons

I'd suggest referencing a good photo and seeing if you can 'borrow' some attributes from it to add some realism. Good start though.


I normally like saturation, but that sky is really too much, it's also fighting with the blue of the car in my opinion.

But, it is a good start like Will said :)