Where are Layers kept?

Started by Speedster, February 11, 2014, 05:38:47 AM

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At the request of an ad agency, I need to render a number of images with both a clown pass and layers.  For this work I always create my own clowns on a duplicated model, as the auto-clown is usually just too close in colors for accurate selection.

I direct the renders to a specific client folder.  But where the heck do the layers go?  They are not in the specified folder, nor in KS renderings, and I can't find any way to locate them.


Bill G


Make sure to check "Render layers" under passes in the render dialog. Then the layers will be placed in the same folder as the rendering itself.


I agree, the clown pass colors are often too close for the eyedropper to be effective. I would be nice for KS-5 if that can be tweaked.

Not sure if that is the issue you are having, but at first I thought If I checked "render layers" it would render layers (similar to how "clown pass" just works when checked). it took me a while to realize that in addition to checking the layers box, you have to select an object(s) in the scene tree, then under the properties tab create, and assign that part to a certain layer. Then when the check box is checked it should all work.

Hope that helps!


Well - yes - you have to create the layers. How else are layers supposed to work?


Well, I thought that layers were automatically created just as with the clown, based on materials.  I won't bother with layers, as there would be over 100 on this current project, and it's not worth my time nor my client's money.  Easy enough with a custom clown.
Bill G


I originally thought it would work that if you check the box it would render every individual part in the scene tree to a different layer.