Maya and .FBX Camera Data...PLEASE HELP!

Started by illuminist, September 28, 2014, 01:48:12 PM

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Though it is fairly straight-forward to get a camera from Maya exported into Keyshot 5, I do not see any conclusive ways to export animation with the correct focal length and FOV.

Keyshot in any iteration of .FBX (2010 - 2014) seems to reverse Focal Length and FOV

When animation is exported via FBX, it automatically defaults back to the strange FOV, Focal Length of the default KeyShot camera.

You cannot alter the FOV & Focal Length to export an animation because this data seems to be baked into the animation and locked down at that same odd default focal length and FOV that KeyShot likes to use.   Even Keyframing the FOV and FL doesn't help.

Additionally, the reason why I wouldn't simply use the .MB format for cameras is because when you use the .mb format (at least for me) no keyframes are imported.  The cameras DO have the right FOV and FL but don't import animated keyframes... why is this?

Why does KeyShot ignore this data?  If there is a process for KeyShot 5 to import exported camera data correctly out of Maya, would someone please explain the process or is this simply a BUG with KeyShot.   Any information would be tremendously helpful.


Anything from development there?  Does anyone have a solution or can KeyShot even carry camera data correctly across.  I've seen other posts similar and they have been ignored...


I'm struggling with this since 15 days now, and i didn't find any conclusive solution
I tried the maya plugin, which gives a really close result, but not perfect... I noticed, but maybe I'm wrong, that if you uncheck "smooth curve", and put "curve radius" to 0 in the maya  plugin,  it improves the fidelity of the camera path in keyshot. I also desactivate all motion blur in keyshot to have the closest result, but when you're doing compositing after that , even a small alteration of the camera animation is immediatly noticeable, and it is not acceptable.... I do not understand why keyshot manage fbx files differently than other soft.
To bad, I really needed that soft for my plate.