Pantone questions

Started by Speedster, March 12, 2016, 10:55:44 AM

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Hi all!

KeyShot 6.1.65.

Several questions related to Pantone colors:

When using Pantone colors from the library, why do I always get a dialogue box that says "Please input name for color"?  The color is the color, I would think, like Pantone 7625U.  What is the purpose of this dialogue box? It's REALLY irritating to have to close it with every color choice.  Note this only happens when I drag a color, then change my mind and drag it back without applying it.

Color representation is highly dependent on the HDR.  Any suggestions for choosing a "neutral" HDR that fairly accurately represents the Pantone colors?  I've been using "Materials 2k", heavily blurred in the editor.

My client provided their colors based on the Pantone PMS system, which is used for printing.  But the plastics materials vendors use the standard Pantone numbering system, which I believe is the basis for those used in the KeyShot library.  Am I correct?  I first used the color picker to select their sample, applied it, and then went into the Pantone library to find the closest approximation and related Pantone number.


Bill G