Backdrop color problems

Started by gregerdux, April 26, 2016, 11:35:45 PM

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Been doing renders for a portfolio project. The product itself renders just fine using some brushed aluminum textures found here on the site. BUT the backdrop or black background is broken up into "levels" which looks like crap. I'm sure there is a simple explanation but I haven't found any yet. Know why this is?


Esben Oxholm

Hi gregerdux.

Looks like a classic banding issue. That is, there is not enough colors available to create a true smooth gradient.
Try render out at 32-bit or fix it in post with e.g. noise.

Take a look at this video. It is not the best, but it should help guide you in the right direction to get rid of this 'broken' up background.

Let me know if it helps.


Thank you,

Have tested the photoshop trick doesn't really do the job. So im going to try the 32-bit render and let you know the result.

Will Gibbons

Banding can be a tough one to fix in Photoshop, especially in low-contrast gradients in large images. One option is to create your own backplate in PS that you're happy with, and then import it into KS.