Musca domestica Macro

Started by TpwUK, June 17, 2016, 03:48:39 PM

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ZeroKobo has some delightful insect models (30 to be precise) so I grabbed them today, they are all freebies and they are really well modelled and detailed. I gave the common house fly a go in KeyShot 6.2 to see if it's possible to do macro type shot with just procedural textures (other than the wing veins). I'd say it works fine  8)


Magnus Skogsfjord

Great to see some work from you again, Martin! Looks awesome. Incredibly detailed model too.



The textures are awesome.
Great job Martin.

Esben Oxholm

Cool job, Martin.
Looking pretty rad. Now, put it on one of those 3d-scanned donuts! :)

Amazing models as well, thanks for mention it.


Thanks for the comments guys :)



Yuk !! it's absolutely horrific, detestable in fact.... flies in general that is ;)

But I love the render, cool DOF and you've got good wood there Martin


Arian Shamil


Thanks Arian .... Appreciated :)
QuoteBut I love the render, cool DOF and you've got good wood there Martin
Thanks J, i forgot to mention that the wood is the Fine Grain wood found in KeyShots material library so it's not procedural (me bad)
