Materials in Tab

Started by JBird, July 20, 2016, 08:11:30 AM

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How can I have a material in the material tab without it actually being attached to an object???? Lets say I want to have 5 materials that I am testing in the material editor, how do I have them all in the material tab without them being attached to anything?

Currently it seems that the only way to have a material in this tab is if it is applied to geometry!?



Only materials that are actually used in the scene are in the "in-project material library".


Thanks for the response thomasteger, that's highly disappointing...


That's why we have the material library, and the favorites tab. You may want to experiment with that.


Aren't scene set made for this?


As Thomas said, saving the materials in your own custom folder would be one way to achieve this.

Also, it bloats your file a little bit, but if you know for sure you'll have several materials on the same part, we duplicate the part, and just turn on and off the visibility in the scene tree.