Sketchup to KS integrity issues

Started by rkulshrestha, November 30, 2016, 10:17:45 AM

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I am sure other users are facing similar problems (at least the new ones) while attempting to use KS for architectural renderings.

I was trying to render a sketchup villa model downloaded from Here are the issues:

1. The original author rendered in Vray. The Vray lights have little triangle cones to assist with lighting. I have to remove all the cones and then apply our IES lights to the light source. Usually these are default colors in Sketchup so they have to be assigned material before moving to KS.

2. Assigning the IES lights to the light source (ceiling lamps etc ) are a chore in KS. While watching the last lighting tutorial, I saw the same issue I was facing, assigning an IES light to the source positions itself at 90 degrees to the light source. All the lamps need to be corrected by 90 degrees and although this can be done through the geometry editor, this is a huge and cumbersome step.

3. I am attaching link to the ksp file for the current project. Issue 1 is the swimming pool light. If I hide the water, the light with the cone on the extreme left also disappears. So I apply emissive light to the rest of the pool lights, but on doing 'Show All' the cone reappears on the left side - see pic.

4. I get this ghastly white texture on the cement walls. I have tried plastic, matte paint and advanced materials but can't get rid of the texture. I want to avoid post processing in PS. Anyway, there should be no reason for the texture to appear. Oh, that went away in full simulation!

Here is the link to the KSP package -

5. I put all the lights on a separate layer in Sketchup and saved it. However, this new layer called 'Lights' does not appear in KS.



A lot of programs take advantage of 2D images. In KS I have to keep searching for fully 3D objects.



Can we not have a 'handle' on the IES wireframe which can be dragged to target the spotlight.




Hi Thomas

These are large files so you will have to download them. Here are the links:

BTW, I did a render (attached). Had to clean up around 120 spots in PS. That was pretty laborious!Isn't there some software that detects a single white pixel surrounded by colored pixels on 4 sides then takes care of it? All the white spots were 1 pixel big.



Here is the render.

I applied black matte paint to the beach chair legs, but for some reason it comes a faded black, not crisp. This is at 256 samples left overnight.



And another one since we have 4 days holidays here in Dubai.


I added a light in SU and updated geometry in KS. A whole part went missing!


So I tried New Geometry/Retain material and again the same part went missing. Then I tried importing the same SU file as a New geometry without Retain material and I got the whole model into KS, but that obviously means I have to all that work again. :(


Thanks we will take a look. Are you using the latest plugin for SketchUp?


Yes, SU 2016 and the latest exporter. But I am not using the exporter icon in SU to export. I am using the KS import options.


Hi Thomas

Were you able to replicate the problem?