interesting bug with paused scenes

Started by LayC42, January 03, 2017, 01:03:22 PM

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I've found an interesting bug in the current KeyShot version (6.3.19 - locked license / not floating) that can be repeated easily with these steps:
- Create a new scene ad add first object
- pause the scene
- add another object and KeyShot  will automatically leave the pause mode
- pause the scene
- delete on object out of the scene tree

Now, KeyShot will stay in pause mode (camera actions aren't possible) but live render will work and update the scene.

Two clicks on the pause icon (or Shift+P twice) will pause the scene completely again.

That is not a big deal but important to know if you have several instances on KeyShot running and need your resources to render another scene.

Chad Holton

Thanks for the heads-up! I'll check it out.