Data Storage Problems

Started by MBecker32, February 09, 2017, 08:12:29 AM

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Does anybody have a feel for the best way to store files. I am currently running with 2 floating seats, where the majority of work is being completed by 2 individuals. We started this program back in 2014 and it has ramped up considerably over the years. Currently we use our shared server as our "dumping ground", but that is being used up quickly. Here is the breakdown of our files since 2014:

Animations: 15.9 GB
CREO Files: 13.3 GB
Renderings: 3.0 GB
Scenes: 927.0 GB

We already have 222GB used in Scenes in 2017. We currently do not used Scene Sets as much as we should to reduce file quantity. Right now I am backing up files on a portable external hard drive, but I think the long term solution is a NAS Box. Does anyone have any insight on how to keep down file size or what they use to backup files to make it neat and orderly for multiple people using shared files?