Fade Animation Issue - Not fading in/out completely

Started by theAVator, March 27, 2017, 08:58:38 AM

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So I have a pretty complex model (full engineering model of a truck) that I'm trying to put an animation together for. Basically it's a vehicle familiarization video where components and systems fade in and out to show their relative position on the vehicle and then the audio talks about the part/system etc. There are about 40-50 parts/systems that get faded and spoken about.

The issue I'm running into is that parts aren't fading out to the desired level, which leaves them slightly highlighted when they shouldn't be.

Basically I've taken each part and faded it out to 15%, which gives me a nice faded out truck to work with - everything looks perfect. If I fade in a part/system - say the air cleaner - to 100%, it looks decent(what I expected at least). Now, when I fade it back from 100% to its starting 15%, it appears to get stuck around 20% and remains slightly visible.  Why??

Attached are screenshots of what faded to 15% should look like, and what it looks like when I fade the component to 100% and then back to 15%.

Sorry, No, I cannot share the model - the black helicopters will come and make me disappear. 


*Quick Update*
The issue also compounds.
When component 1 fades to 100 and back to 15, it remains visible. When component 2 is faded to 100 and back to 15, it also remains visible along with component 1. So now 2 components are visible when they shouldn't be. I would assume then that any component faded in and back to 15% would produce the same result.


does an app restart fix it? sounds like a refresh or caching issue.


Oddly enough, Yes.  ::)
I closed out of the file, closed down KS, restarted my system and now it seems to be working.
Weird that it did it with some but not all. Like the first 5 sets worked fine the whole time, but after adding that one, every subsequent item went wonky. The restart fixed it... for now anyways - I'm guessing I'll see it pop up again, but at least have a fix for it.
