Floating license and Pro/E plugin

Started by Sam, April 14, 2010, 05:00:53 AM

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I have a question concerning the start-up of a floating license.

We have an installation where we want to start-up Pro/E with the plug-in activated. The keyshot license is a floating type.
Is the Keyshot license adressed before the plugin is started? (meaning the first one to start Pro/E with plugin gets the license even if keyshot is not adressed) Or is the keyshot license adressed once the plugin is started to open Keyshot. (meaning keyshot can be started by any Pro/E user as long a license is available)
I suppose it is the latter but can you confirm this?

thanks in advance.


The KeyShot license is checked out when KeyShot is started, not when Pro/E is launched. So only once you hit the Render button in the KeyShot plugin you will need a license.

