HDRI light

Started by PhilippeV8, April 20, 2011, 06:53:56 AM

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I'm having hard times working with those HDRI files .. I keep wanting to get the reflections from them and the background, but the light coming from them screws up my scene most of the time.  Either it's too bright, then to dimm, then it gives a green or blue glow to my scene etc etc ...  Also when I set it to look good as background I don't get enough light on my scene or when I set it good for lighting my scene it's way too bright in the bgrnd...

Wouldn't it be possible to add a brightness/gamma/RGB-color balance slider which controls ONLY the light from the HDRI's ?

I could adjust material intesity and color to counter all this, but that's just a LONG way round ... plus if I later want to change the HDRI background ... it's messed up again.


brightness and gamma in the environment tab only controls the light in the HDRI.


I know  ;) but it also alters the visual brightness and gamma of the HDRI itself ... so its not just the objects in my scene that change, it's also the HDRI I see in the background.  A work around would be to set backplates .. which I end up using most of the time, but then I need to change it for every render with a different camera angle ...
Maybe linking a backplate to a camera would be an option ?


Yes that is certainly on the list of things to do.