KeyShot 7 Dark Theme interface issue

Started by monson67, August 18, 2017, 07:29:33 AM

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Under the Project window's Scene tab and in the Library window, the "+" and "-" virtually disappear in the background due to their black color. If those could be changed to white to match the text in the window, they would be much easier to see.

Apart from that, I think the colors used for the highlight on a selected part in the scene tree could be tweaked a little, as the left side of the highlight is a little oversaturated and the right side is a little dark and oversaturated. I guess I'm confused as to why the highlights aren't just one color all the way from side to side anyway. The color used for the rollover-highlight (when hovering the cursor over parts in the scene tree) is easier on the eyes, as it's a little desaturated. Otherwise, I think if the same highlight from the light theme was used in the dark theme (again, not split into parts), that would work well too.

I realize I'm splitting hairs here about the highlight color, so I apologize for that, but I figured I'd mention it too since I was already talking about the interface.


I should mention I'm using KeyShot on a Mac, by the way. I don't know if there is a difference in KeyShot for Windows.
