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SOG Tomcat3 knife

Started by Masoud Zangi, July 30, 2017, 10:05:33 PM

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Masoud Zangi

I modeled this famous knife in Modo some times ago. Rendering was not too satisfying But when I started to work with keyshot every thing changed . I re-rendered this using keyshot and the result was good enough for me. So first keyshot render. more are coming.

Will Gibbons

Well-done! I'm loving the textures and reflections on the metal. The model looks good. Only critique: the pattern on the handle flattens it out a touch... can you use MODO to assign UV coordinates to the handle? Otherwise, a Procedural Wood material in KeyShot would look great!

Welcome, by the way!


Welcome Masoud. That looks sharp ;) Really though. I like it a lot. SOG is one of my fav brands. It might be my mind playing tricks on me, but the knife looks like it's floating just slightly. This image has some strong shadows, but gives you a good idea of the handle texture.

Masoud Zangi

Thanks josh and will for your kind critiques and guides.Those was really helpful. Nice to be in keyshot community.

Magnus Skogsfjord

Nice! That metal looks spot on!