Material for natural PE

Started by Arnaud, March 25, 2011, 06:59:15 AM

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I would like to make rendering on plastics bottles made with polyethylen (PE) or polypropylen (PP)
I found good material parameters for opaque colors but for natural color, I'm not able to create a good material. I tried to modify "acrylic" parameters and also to use "tranlucent" parameters but the results are poor.

I would like a material looking like this :

Any idea / suggestion ?

Thanks in advance.


Hi Thomas,

This site has a great resource for many materials, but a lot of them are in .mxm format. Isnt there a way to convert the mxm format for use with Keyshot?

Maybe an agreement with the two companies  :). It would really benefit your users.



I don't know if there is a way to convert material from Maxwell or other render  because Keyshot is based on physical properties and for each type of material the properties are different.

In my case I try to have a little translucidity,  let's say 25 to 40% light transmission


It's been months I'm trying to reproduce such a material. The only way I found is to render an image with white matte plastic, another with transparent plastic or glass, and to merge them in photoshop.

Keyshot developpers should create some other ways to create thin plastics, with opacity, thickness, gloss, and noise parameters... Think about packaging designers...


It is already there - it is the advanced material. Make sure to check "Show advanced settings" in the Preference tab, so you can expose all the parameters in the Advanced material.


Here is a small scene with 3 plastic bottles :
The green and the red one are more or less good, but I'm unable to set a proper setting for the white one. I tried with both "plastic" and "advanced" material settings, but I'm not satisfied with the results.
Any tips ?