transparent label ??

Started by designgestalt, June 15, 2018, 06:48:52 AM

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hello everybody,
I have a problem but no time at the moment to wrap my head around it, so I hope to find some instant help here...

I have a product, that has a brushed texture (in this case a stick). on top I have a color transition (which I applied as a label) from black to red to the basic brushed material. now I need to apply graphics on the black area, but they are basically just spared out, which means the logo shows the brushed material trough. is that clear ?
so basically I need to apply a label as a transparency mask on top of a label.
I am sure I have done this already and I am sure it is not very hard, but I am totally blocked at the moment...
can someone please give me a push ...  :)
thanks a bunch!


Have you try Utility Node Types > Color Composite ?


Sorry, did not see you responded so quickly.
No, have not tried that.
Tooo easy  ;D
I would not have tried to use color composite this way, but it easily solved the problem!
thanks a bunch !!!
