Label Alignment

Started by gbelcik, August 08, 2018, 06:51:25 AM

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I am evaluating Keyshot as a replacement to solidworks visualize for our rendering purposes, and I am having an issue with label alignment.  As it seems keyshot does not import decals from the SLDPRT files, I am having to manually add the labels.  The labels are coming in slightly misaligned, even though the label has the same dimensions as the part.  Could anyone advise a method to force the label to fit? I do not trust manually aligning the label, as sometimes, the alignment is very critical.

In Solidworks, decal set to "Fit"

Importing same image into Keyshot as label

Thanks for any help!

Will Gibbons

If your label is the same size as the part, then simply choose 'center on part' mode when you look at the label texture properties. You should be able to set mapping type to 'planar' and then click 'move texture' and in the move tool choose 'fit to x,y,x' (see which one works) and rotate if needed. Then, it should be where you want it. Hopefully that's clear. Let me know if that doesn't work for you.


I tried the fit to "X,Y,Z" before, but it just made my decal disappear. Rotating it did fix it, and the alignment "appears" to be correct except that the edge of the blue is bleeding over the sides, even though my depth is set to 0, and the dimensions are exactly matching the part.


Depth zero is actually interpreted as infinite depth. I understand this may seem a bit odd, but geometry is rarely perfectly flat and it tended to lead to confusion otherwise. If you set depth to a small finite value the color should not bleed.

Note that the 'center on part' option relies on the geometric center of the part and _not the pivot_.