Importing BIP to Model set

Started by mattjgerard, July 31, 2018, 08:47:44 AM

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It appears that when I import a BIP file that I've exported from Cinema (or any other bip I have) KS will place an instance of that file into each of the model sets that are active.

Is there a way to direct KS to place a single instance of that file into only one model set other than unchecking all the model sets except for one?

I have a library of parts that I routinely import into my scenes, and I am using model sets more and more rather than groups for top level organizing, and this is a bit of a pain when I have to either uncheck all the model sets (might be dozens) or go back to all the active model sets and delete the object from all the model sets that I forgot to uncheck.

MIssing something? I'm happy to admit operator error :)