UV Mapping Issue

Started by wayoutwestmultimedia, August 15, 2018, 08:38:12 AM

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So I have a product box that I'm trying to use UV mapping for. (I use UV because I need to be able to scale the model and have the labels scale with it).  I've placed the front on but its also showing on the sides as well.  I have nothing checked on the label textures (Flip horiz, Retpeat Horiz, Two Sided, Sync, etc.) 

Its driving me crazy why I can't get it to just label on the front and front only.  Someone please explain to me what I could be doing wrong.


Are UV coordinates defined at this geometry?
(sorry, if that question sound stupid)



Not stupid at all... in fact, I'm like "whats a uv coordinate" and "how do i define it"? 


Sorry to revive an old thread but I wanted to put this out there for anyone else having this issue. I am also using an 18 key external numeric pad by Targus and was having the issue of getting the mapping to work 144 on all number keys. The trick that I used to bypass this was hold down on the key and the actual map key number comes up. Hold down the key while hitting the Scan button under edit macro to get the mapping number into the trigger box. I hope this helps someone