Solid Glass + Gradient

Started by Finema, January 23, 2019, 08:01:15 AM

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Is there a trick to using a Gradient with Solid Glass?

Eric Summers

I know I saw a thread a while back that was talking about adding a frosted color gradient to glass, but I can't find it again. If I do, I'll be sure to link it.


Thanks Eric  ;)
But i just want to apply a Color gradient to a Solid Glass.
It's easy with Glass material but i can't with Solid Glass.

Esben Oxholm

Hi Finema.
If you change the material type to 'dielectric', you'll get the same look as 'Glass (Solid)' and you'll get the option to map the transmission color with a gradient texture.
See attached. Hope it helps.



Hi Esben,
I've open your bip in KS 8.1. I see the gradient in material graph (C)  but i can't see it in the sphere.
I've tested Dialectic + Gradient in KS 7.3 and it's OK....
Is it a bug on KS 8.1 ?

Esben Oxholm

Ah, yes.
I believe it is a bug in 8.1.
Should be fixed in 8.2.


Too bad......I really need this feature for my work... :(
Do you know the release date of KS 8.2?
Thank you.


Someone knows the release date of KS 8.2 ?
Thanks  ;)