Translucent Lamp Shade + light refractions

Started by zooropa, June 17, 2019, 06:40:07 AM

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Hi. I am trying to find out settings for a pendant lamp shade. The idea is work with 1 mm thick translucent pvc. I would like to know if its possible to work with a dark environment and a lamp (E27) within and get realistic results.

Example attached

Thanks a lot


I did a test.
Attached the print screen. Unfortunately takes a lot of time. I am guessing the dark hdri is not helping....
I just wanted to emulate a dark environment.

I have also attached the file.



Hey, I don't think the translucent material is the best option in this case. Try the cloudy plastic and play with the transparency distance and cloudiness parameters. Keep in mind that in small transparency distance values, you will need a higher cloudiness value for a 'milky' material (seems obvious, right?).
So, try to keep your transparency to what you'd expect in real life (maybe 10mm in your case? and a cloudiness value of 0.95-0.97).
I find this material a lot better for thin walled products than the translucent material (which I think is more for more volumous waxy/fleshy products (anyone, correct me if I'm wrong)).


Here's a REALLY quick lampshade from KS7, using the cloudy plastic material.
Inside the lamp is a bulb using a self-emitting material with a value of 2. This is so you can see a hint of the lightbulb, but inside that is a duplicate of the bulb with a point light. The self-emitting material is letting through the point light (visible in shadows switched off).
With some tweaking I think you'll be able to get quite close to what you need.


Thanks a lot! Is this a shareable scene ? Or is yours personal ?