Live Linking - Multiple Instances of the same material

Started by paulpossien, January 15, 2020, 12:56:30 PM

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Hi I'm running Rhino 6 using Keyshot 9 along with the Keyshot 9 live linking plugin for Rhino . I just recently upgraded from Keyshot 8 when it did not do this.

Issue: Keyshot creates duplicate material for every object in the scene. I created 7 objects using only 2 materials in Rhino.  I live link it into Keyshot and it creates 7 different materials. This becomes a big pain further down the road.

When just doing a direct import into keyshot - not using live linking. It does not have this issue, but I would really like to use live linking as a part of my work flow.

Is there a setting somewhere that I can click that will keep at the materials linked together when importing?


Unfortunately this is a bug, but we are aware of it and are working on fixing it!
Thank you for your patience.