New user, demo and licensing questions

Started by RonR, January 26, 2012, 04:46:07 PM

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I just downloaded the trial, and I'm hoping I have enough time in the next two weeks to evaluate.  Regarding the trial: What limitations are there?  Saving is greyed out- is that because it is disabled in the demo, or is there a problem with my installation?  I don't find any documentation that describes what limitations there are with the trial version. If it is supposed to be fully functional I may have a problem. I have checked the permissions in the Application Support and added myself with read and write privileges (thank you Apple, for hiding the Library folders in Lion, we could never be trusted with easy access).

I use a Mac (Lion) primarily, with Ashlar Cobalt, however at times I need to take files in a SolidWorks format- which works only under Windows.  The license allows shifting between up to three machines- does it allow cross platform shifting- as my Cobalt license does? For me that would be on the same machine, but Mac to Windows.  It seems it would from the manual, but I want to be sure.

I have posted a question on the STEP import section re. incomplete importing of geometry, missing faces.  Any newbie suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.

It's reassuring to recognize some names form the old Ashlar forum- sometimes I fell I must be one of the last users remaining.


We import SolidWorks files natively on the Mac with version 3. You are running KeyShot 3, correct. If you would like a fully functional trial, please contact