Need help with skin material

Started by JHoagland, September 07, 2013, 10:50:33 AM

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I'm trying to figure out the best skin materials setting.
Here's a sample image showing a comparison between Keyshot and PoserPro 2012. The Keyshot image seems dull in and doesn't seem to "pop". PoserPro uses sub-surface scattering and translucency on the skin, which I can't figure out in Keyshot.

I use the "Advanced" preset in Keyshot with a texture map. I tried adding a bump map but it didn't make much difference. I also tried using the Translucent preset, but that didn't really look good.
The lighting is the default scene in Keyshot.

Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas about how to make realistic skin?




Did you try the KeyShot Human Skin material in the Translucent folder?  It has subsurface scattering.



Thanks for the suggestion, but whenever I use any of the Translucency presets, I can see a seam line where the materials meet.

But I'll use this as a starting point. :)
