Import 2nd Model and Retain Material

Started by marksangwine, March 09, 2012, 05:46:50 AM

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Tried the importing of a second model into view and none of the materials were retained from the original (Retain Materials was Checked on Import) Keyshot v3.1

Any suggestions welcome?



Was the first import through the plugin, and the second import directly? Are you using SW?


First Model was brought in from Key 2 as a Package

2nd Model was imported from Solidworks 2010 file

(2nd Image)
Also having issues with copying Stainless Steel Vertical from Master (Left Model) onto Imported model - Both have exactly same material properties when checked
(Keyshot 3 does not have Stainless Vertical and Stainless Horz in Materials menu any more, my most common materials)

Is this all the same problem?


You can import your KeyShot 2 materials into KeyShot 3.

As far as KS 2 and KS 3 goes, they are using different importers for SW. That may be the issue. If you are importing the exact same object, you may want to duplicate instead inside of KeyShot.


Tried the S/S Vertical Import. Does not appear to take properties across as seen in Key 2.
Scaling differences - Had to really push the scale of the JPG's to match views in Key 3 and unsure whats happening with rads.

Same JPGs Textures copied across from Key 2 (Steel Bump / Steel Color)


Are you using box mapping in both instances?


Hi Thomas

I was using UV. Box mapping just creates a flat finish

Would it be possible to be given the Stainless Steel Horizontal and Vertical Materials? These used to be in presets in Keyshot 2
The only Stainless Steel Material in Keyshot 3 is `Stainless steel brushed heavy'

I have tried to build my own based on the presets and JPG


That looks pretty good - what settings are you using for the SS?
I have an interest - many of our materials here at work are SS.

There was some talk of a materials sharing portal but i don't think it came to anything - would be useful, I think.


Default S/S Vertical as supplied in Keyshot 2 (Rendered using Keyshot 2)

Unable to even consider doing this in Keyshot 3 as no Horz / Vert material in Stainless Tab. Tried doing my own with no luck
Asked Thomas to help out with materials. Hope he can or else I have some big issues going forward


Just import these materials into KeyShot 3 using the importer inside the material library. As far as box mapping goes, you may need to adjust the scale of the texture.


Hi Thomas

Tried the importer. Result is not the same. Tried scaling, just cannot get the same results

Please could one of your team give me the settings to get the same material results as you had for the preset SS Vert and Horz materials in Key 2
I have been trying now for some time to sort this out and need to get the same end results in Key 3 as I was able to achieve easily in Key 2
