
Started by PhilippeV8, August 09, 2012, 06:20:38 AM

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How would you make this ...

I've got the material/texture ... but how to model the edges ?  I want no post editing on my images so I can re-work them quickly when needed.

Just an idea that pops in my head just now .. add 45 degr. "wings" to the edges and aply a texture with opacity map ... I'll give that a try first ..


Looks like a good way to solve this !

Top part shows the situation as I had it ... not very realistic edges!

The botom part shows the result on the left edge, and the untextured geometry on the right edge.


Clever!  I'm trying to do a similar effect for the fizz/bubbles around the top edge of the liquid in a Coke bottle render.  I created the liquid geometry so that it appears to wick up the inside of the bottle slightly, and I'm searching for a "bubble" map with selective transparency to see if I can cheat the effect on that web area like you're doing.

Those little deatails really help make the rendering!  Thanks for sharing.


I got a question on this topic via PM, so I'll reply here for others and future reference.

So what I did was add little planes to the box-shaped part.  On the render above, I have the left most "wing" plane textured, and the right most untextured.  So you can see on the right what it looks like first, then on the left you got the end result.
If you look at the part from the top, the wings stand in a 135 degr. angle compared to the front/side of the box-part.

I used the same material for those wing-planes as I did for the main part and added an opacity map. (I'll attach the opacity map below here)

Just make sure you got a different color for each wing in your 3D CAD software, so you can get individual materials for each wing.  This way you can rotate the opacity map to the good orientation.