Possible Render Farms

Started by Poochyricko, May 03, 2013, 01:18:17 AM

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Hi There

I'm looking for some information on possible render farm companies that will accept Keyshot files. I have an animation for a construction project that I need to get rendered quicker than what my current PC is capable off. Currently have 12 cores working at full rate but that is still going to take 3 or 4 days to render 6300 frames. As you can see there is a lot of frames and I have to get this rendered quickly.

Any help would be appreciated.


3D Off the Page

I'm looking at setting one up for my company.  Any idea what people pay to have their renders done? 

I'm in the process right now of setting up 64 cores for our farm to start with but may look at expanding that if there is enough business to support it.



Hi Steve

Cheers for the reply and hopefully the good news about you setting up a render farm. I would be very interested in your services as a Keyshot render service if you were to go ahead with it. I can't really help you with the pricing other than research what current render farms charge per core or even a time span for the use of a core.

I have just completed my first rendered animation for a client which will hopefully lead to more work and the possibility of using render farms to speed up the whole process, I look forward to working with you in the future.



3D Off the Page

I've sent you a couple of pm's but not sure if you're getting them.

Send me an email and we can discuss.


