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Slave time limit

Started by Ruckus, May 02, 2013, 11:09:10 AM

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I would really like to have a Master specified “time out” for any tile being rendered on a Slave.  If the time-out is exceeded, the tile should be sent to another Slave.  And possibly drop the Slave if it gets too many time-outs.

The screen shot below shows what appears to be a job that has only been running for about 20 minutes, when in fact it had been stuck for over 20 hours.  This was common in V3; thankfully it is rare in V4.  Never the less, if it had gotten stuck on a Friday night with many big jobs behind it, I could have had a swarm of angry artists to deal with.

You can see a few unfinished tiles (in the areas I have not blocked) in the preview image, and one slave in the list that has not returned 9 tiles.  Stopping that slave manually will free up the process, but I cannot monitor this 24/7.

In our environment the average tile takes a couple of seconds or less, a long running tile takes about 5 minutes, and a very few tiles can take 20 minutes.  The risk would be that the time-out I specify is not long enough for an exceptionally long rendering tile – but at least it would be my problem to manage.


The corrected attachment...


I Second this !!!!! A time out would be great. Many times we will set renders at night. but when we get in only a few or none will go becasue a slave gets stuck on a tile.
Time out feature would be GREAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Claus Jensen

We currently testing a new rescheduling algorithm and more robustness for slaves that goes standby etc., so we should have this ready together with the KeyShot 4.1 release.



That's great news!  ;D

Thanks, Claus.  As the system admin guy, the Network Rendering improvements from KS3 to KS4 made my job a lot easier.  I'm glad to hear you are still working to make it even better.