Color management . KS to PS

Started by EGON, June 29, 2013, 07:53:44 AM

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The first one is KS. Proof setup is working cmyk.Proof colors checked.PS CS4


Red in KS out of gamut for CMYK color space?
KS4.1 has color management (icc monitor profiles).



I found this. Even if I uncheck CMYK the color is still way off. Try filling an area with red in PS from the color picker. Not red.


When I work in CMYK in PS (CS6) and use the color picker I get a warning when my selected color is out of gamut for printing (see 1st image). If I click the little color box underneath the warning sign PS shifts the color to the closest CMYK color (2nd image).
When working in CMYK mode not all colors that can be selected with the color picker fit within the CMYK gamut. Hence those colors appear desaturated, darker in your CMYK document.
Am I actually addressing your issue?? ???

Are you actually using KS4.1? I see 4.0 in your KS window header.
Color matching between KS and a color-managed tool like PS can only be properly done since KS 4.1 by loading your monitor icc profile in the preferences and by assigning your monitor icc profile to your renders upon importing into PS. From there you can still convert the color profile to sRGB or whatever, depending on the purpose of the image...
I assume you are using a fully calibrated/profiled display.



Actually as it stands, KeyShot 4.1 is one of only a few 3D apps that are color managed (Lightwave comes to mind too).

The gamut differences between a color-managed and non-color-managed application are more pronounced on wide gamut (much wider than standard sRGB) displays too.

In my office I use both a standard sRGB display and a wide gamut display. On KS 4.0 the gamut differences between KS and PS were much more apparent on the latter.



I have a NEC PA271W Display with a NEC meter. Pretty awesome! Can you show me red? Thanks Dries!


I can show you red... :)

1st image is comparing KeyShot 4.1 (color managed with monitor profile) with PS (assigned monitor profile on import).
2nd image is after converting PS doc to working CMYK.
3rd image shows warning on pure red in CMYK doc.
4th image shows color shift to fit within CMYK.
5th image shows RGB red
6th image shows CMYK red.

Maybe a bit too comprehensive? ::)



This whole red thing started a couple of weeks ago when my friend asked my to change the background of his bizz card to red. When I showed it to him he said that ain't red. Then he reached in his wallet and pulled out a card and said this is red. For the life of me I couldn't duplicate that color in PS.


I get the same problem with orange shades that look too brown, but I have not done a calibration with this monitor yet


Well, on my EIZO color-calibrated monitor, the 2nd to last (5th image) image looks "redder", for whatever that's worth. 
Bill G