Grainy project setup

Started by FrankG, July 07, 2013, 09:00:20 AM

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Hi Everyone,

I am looking for an answer as to why my project is looking so grainy during setup (e.g. adding materials). This problem just appeared a few days ago and I can't seem to figure out what to fix, change, etc...

During the setup, I wait until everything settles down, but the image still looks grainy. It's really hard to get a visual, of what is going on as I am applying material and especially textures and bump maps. The strange part is that when I render the project it comes out clean.

As mentioned before, I am using the same machine and working on the same project.

Any help would greatly be appreciated.

Thanks for your help.


Can you post an "as-rendered" image? 

If you are using glass or transparent material, is the roughness set really high?  What is your Depth of Field?

But none of the above make sense if your renders are OK, so it would help if we could see a fully rendered out (not screenshot) image.

Bill G


HI Speedster,

I have attached a rendering of the model. It processed in about 20 seconds. As you can see there is a difference.



Is depth of field checked in the first image?


This must be a DOF issue. I've always found idiosyncrasies with dof when saving and reopening Bip files. Often I just jot down FOV values etc on good old post-it notes.



Yes the DOF box is checked.




I wondered if that may have been the issue, but I also noticed the same issue even when starting a brand new file. I also have reloaded the software and I got the same results.



Then turn off DOF and you won't see the graininess.