Custom Ground Plane question

Started by flappinfish, August 27, 2013, 02:28:10 PM

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I have a scene with two phones sitting on a ground plane that I have imported. I have set the ground plane to be highly reflective, mirror like.

The highly reflective ground plane is creating great reflections of the products. But the problem is the ground plane is also reflecting my HDR map and leaving me with some real dark spots and hot spots around the reflections. I cannot rotate my HDR around because then the reflections wont be accurate to the product lighting.

Is there anyway in Keyshot to turn off environment reflections on the custom ground plane so that I do not see a reflection of the HDR?


Maybe try creating two renderings, one with your current HDR in place and a second with a less distracting HDR that still lets the reflection be visible but doesn't have the negative side effects. Then use Photoshop or GIMP to composite the two together.