New magazine cover- "No. 44" Updated!

Started by Speedster, October 21, 2013, 02:48:26 PM

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Been working on some covers for a well-known modeler's magazine, one of which I posted last week.  The editor liked it, and asked for more.  So here's the next one- "No. 44", a 2-6-6T Mason Bogie, circa 1890, on the narrow gauge Denver, South Park and Pacific Railroad in the high Rocky Mountains of Colorado.  And yes, they were kept that clean!

SolidWorks, KeyShot Pro 4.2.35, Cs5.  All texturing done on the model in KeyShot.  No post at all on the KeyShot render except some soot on the stack, but tons of layers in Photoshop for smoke, steam and the like.  Sure wish I could find some figures that are SolidWorks compatible!

Bill G


Very pretty. Needs a bit of DOF toward the back of the train.


I agree, Thomas, and will do.  I'm so used to shooting at f64 I forget.
Bill G


Really nice !!

Maybe adding some dirt treatment on it (the train is a bit too clean) using a render with a single material (leather slighty brownish grey and noise fractal bump) and some brush stroke in opacity mask in PS would be even greater ! And maybe some general noise to match with the background picture.

Anyway, great job !


Thanks, BenG!  Really great ideas.  "Weathering" these projects is always tough, and I had not thought of multiple material passes.  As I've mentioned before, one problem is they kept these locos really spotless, even wiping them down while adding water and coal.  But it does need some love!
Thanks again!
Bill G


You've got a great tutorial made by Scott Robertson (one of the guys I admire the most) on weathering one of his hot-rod concept  :

He is not working with keyshot (shame on him)  but the technic is the same. ;)

I understand the problem and the gap between what you think is good for your client, and what he wants which is sometimes awfully bad... but we have to do what he wants (and pay for) ;)


Bill with every new render you do with these trains they keep getting better and better.
Great work.
The modeling is insane.
Thanks for sharing


QuoteYou've got a great tutorial made by Scott Robertson
Thanks so much for this link that will, I'm sure, help a lot of us.  Think how stunning it would have been if rendered in KeyShot!  It's the first time I finally sorta understand masking and what a powerful tool it is.  I'm going to play more on this over the weekend.  Suddenly got really busy again after a slow period.
Bill G


Good work. I was in Colorado with my Dad in 2010 and seen that train, or one like it in I think Silverton?


UPDATE!   First time I've ever used layer masks, and I have to say this is the most fun I've had since my honeymoon!  Followed the excellent video.  18 layers, including two texture passes in KeyShot, of the loco only!  What a blast, and a whole new world!  Here's the updated image, also now with DOF.

One quick tip- the Clown Pass that you can create in the render process only recognizes materials, not parts.  So now I also create a (Scene > duplicate model) purpose clown pass where I carefully clown each or most parts for easier selection post on multiple parts that may have the same material, but over which I want selection control.  Be great if KS added this selection as a clown pass option.  That is, Clown+Materials and Clown+Parts.

Thanks guys for pushing me on this!!!



Mr. Gould. I gotta say, you've been on a roll lately! Nice work!!



Wow, +1, that's looking really great!!!!

Chad Holton

Looking real nice, Bill! I have a lot of fun with masking as well. Welcome to the dark side... we've been waiting for you.  ;D