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Automotive Badge

Started by Ryno, November 20, 2013, 05:57:44 AM

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Very small part of a (slowly) ongoing personal project. Modeling in Solidworks, render in Keyshot, no post.


I really love the composition and colors, great work :) If you're working with DOF, you may want to increase the DOF quality slider to something like 3 or 5, it will help give you a smoother (better blurred) image. I'm assuming you're using a silver metallic paint? If so, i would keep tweaking the values to get rid of the pixellated appearance. Absolutely loving the direction though!


Thanks! :)

I've found a DOF of 2 is usually OK for a lot of the renders I do, but here it is still grainy; I'll bump it up if I do any more with the badge. For the paint, I used a white metallic. I had to bump the flake size way up to ~300 or so to even see the flecks; it seems there is a scale issue with materials when using the Solidworks plugin sometimes. Without bumping it up that high, it just looked like gloss white paint. It does look a little pixelated, though; any ideas there? I really want to perceive the individual flecks since this is supposed to look like a pretty close-up shot of the badge on the car.


Ha, no way, I was working on something really similar, hoping to do an animation eventually. I like your materials, and subsurface textures. Think you should reduce your metal flake size a bit on the paintwork, but that's a minor thing.
Thanks for sharing


Absolutely beautiful. I love the direction as well and think a slow panning animation would be spectacular to show of your work. I think the paint flake size is spot on.


Thanks for the kind words, guys! And for the exposure on Twitter and Facebook :)