Does not contain 3D Geometry in Solid Edge Assembly File

Started by imfastrnu2, January 10, 2014, 05:13:04 PM

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I'm trying to import my SolidEdge ST5 geometry and it doesn't import all the parts. It gives me an error on some parts saying it "doesn't contain any 3D geometry". I'm testing KS4 for possible purchase at work but if it can't import files it's not going to work for us. Does anyone have any reasons why this might be happening. Below is the part. It's supposed to have a circuit board in there and a faceplate but all that's coming in is the screws, standoffs and the latch. thoughts? ideas? thanks!


It is difficult to tell without any examples. If you can share the file we can take a look.

ST 5 has the export to bip functionality which you may want to try. And with ST6 you get the free plugin that allows you to start KeyShot and transfer your geometry directly from within Solid Edge.


Can you elaborate on this plugin? Are you talking about the live linking or something else?


One thing you might want to check is if your SolidEdge assembly has any alternate assemblies. Keyshot will not import any geometry from alternate assemblies. This makes sense since the alternate may reverence many different parts Keyshot would have no way to know which to import.


Thomas, I think what Jeff said might make sense, as far as assemblies within assemblies. Are we to assume that the SolidEdge Plugin would resolve any issues like this? What I did in this case, since i was away from my office and was using Keyshot on another PC, was to copy the ST5 assembly using the revision manager. Maybe something doesn't work quit right if you do that? It's like it loses links to those files even though they're in the folder with all the others. I did try a STEP file an that worked just fine, although the file size gets rather larger. We also use PCBto3D to add PC boards to our assemblies. These things can get huge. Any issues you've heard of using PCBto3D?



Here is the file for the image above. the main assembly is "1187190F1.asm"




hmm...thought I grabbed everything. Sorry about that. It's there now.


Whatever you are doing to put this file together is not working. Are you using Rev Manager to copy your assembly? That is the best way. Expand all, select all and copy all to a folder. Then put it in the zip file. Here is a screen shot of your file in Rev Manager. All kinds of parts are missing.


I did use rev manager but what I DIDN'T do was expand all.. maybe that's the problem. I just assumed if I selected the top one it selected everything under it. I'll try it again only this time I'll expand everything and see what happens. Thank you!


Everything does have to be expanded. It worked fine once I did that.