Wishlist from the admin side of things

Started by desquared, December 23, 2013, 01:41:27 PM

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Hey there,

Currently we have 64 cores of network rendering in our office and are probably looking to add another 64 in the near future. Here is a wishlist from an admin's perspective.

- Linux network client. Pick a flavor and put one out there, doesn't matter to me which. Windows adds another $200-400 to a render node depending on your companies licensing. I know trying to support all the flavors is difficult so start with one. Ubuntu is my go to for simple Linux.

- Better updating method\management console. 128 Cores divided by 8 cores per machine if I'm using i7 4770's (according to my calculations this is the current best bang for the buck) is 16 clients to have to maintain. Thats alot of work for an already overworked sysadmin. Logging in to and updating 16 machines is going to eat away my time.

- Ability to bump stuff around in the queue. My users would love this option. someone may have 5 images in the queue but have something HOT come up, instead of having to cancel 4 of them and redo them later it would be nice to be able to move stuff up instead.

- A simple Date/Timestamp column on the queue would be nice.


Claus Jensen


Linux is on the list for version 5. As you are saying, there are many flavors, but our preferred distribution is also Ubuntu.

I know some companies are using management systems for doing distributed updates. Once you have installed and setup the slave, you can run the installer with the command line argument /S for doing a silent installations.

You CAN reorganize the queue. It works like this. If you don't use the user management system in the network rendering, then each user can only reorganize their own submitted jobs (imagine what would happen if everyone could reorder any job!). If you use the user management system, then you can assign permissions to reorder other jobs as well or you can have an administrator do this.

Date/Timestamp column is added to the wish list.



Re-ordering the queue is a bit of a pain when you have multiple files to move. Would be nice if you could shift select and move them all rather than individually tbh
