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The Little Robot

Started by FeherJr, January 20, 2014, 10:02:54 AM

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I love robots and just had to do one.  ;D

(Found on GrabCad)


Vey nice - love the model.


Really cool. Made me smile.


This is a great. I want you to push this. Push the materials. I know you are limited to lighting. So you can do one of two things.
1. use planes and spheres and make them either emissive or area light diffuse to add light. or 2. I will let you use my computer that has Luxions HDR Editor or HDRILightStudio to make a custom HDR. That's right you can use my  ;) As long as you don't move or add anything to it.  :)
I'm here if you want my help. Just sayin.

Gordon Lardi

very cool, i too would like to see it in different materials maybe distressed metal