Keyshot Pro 4.3.10 Possible Bug?

Started by Jayceyned, January 17, 2014, 08:06:51 AM

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I wasted quite a few hours yesterday in discovering a possible bug with my version of Keyshot? Unfortunately I cannot post screen captures for confidentiality etc. but I will do my best to explain verbally:

When rendering with "Indirect Global Illumination" box checked in the realtime settings I had 2 terrible effects; when ever I output a scene for high resolution render, I encountered terrible muddy and blotchy shadows all over my nice matt white painted model, and I also found the image was extremely overexposed - completely blown out. After hours of fiddling and eventually starting from scratch, I discovered then un-checking the GI chckbox within realtime settings totally fixed the issue.

I have been a Keyshot user for a number of years now and have always turned on the GI within realtime setting to give me a more accurate preview of the render - I've never had this effect before.

Anyone else experienced this issue? I thought I would share in the hope of saving someone else's sanity.

Any info would be much appreciated.



2 things I can think of:

- Turn off "Global illumination cache" in the advanced render settings, and maybe even "sharp shadows".
- As far as "over exposure" goes - did you change the number of ray bounces under the advanced render settings?


Hi Thomas,

do you mind me asking what is "Gloabal Illumination Cache"?

I unchecked it and it does seem to solve the muddy shadowing, but the final image is still extremely over exposed compared to the preview I am shown within the realtime window.

Thanks again for your help.


Global Illumination Cache caches the global illumination, rather than re-computes it. By turning it off you are getting more detailed GI calculation.

We really need to take a look at the scene to understand what is going on. It makes no sense. Can you send to me -


I have the same issue and I found too that turning of the GI 'solves' the problem... There are no splotches, but there's no GI too. 

Before turning off the GI I tried different rendering settings. The highest one that I've tried was 128 samples, 36 ray b, 4 aa, 6 shadow, 5 GI, 1 pixel blur, sharp shadows on sharper texture filtering on, GI cache off.

I've also noticed when turning on the GI cache and switching to another window (output, queue, passes...) , and after that going back to the Quality window the GI cache automatically deselects. 

The regions below are from a 5500x3600 & 350 dpi TIFFs.


Hi Vlad,

thanks for your post. This looks like exactly the same issue that I have - identical.

Thomas, can you comment on Vlad's image?

I could send you the file, thank you for the offer; but I will have to make some 'dummy' data so as to not get in trouble with confidentiality etc.

Please let me know if you can help by looking at Vlad's images or if I should send directly to you.

I can't believe that we are the only 2 people to experience this issue?

Thanks again,



So far I tried using the metallic paint, plastic and advanced materials to make the white plastic look but it's still the same.
I've also tried using hi-res light environment - up-scaled from 512x256 to 5000x2500.

The problem still exists, and it appears only on the white.


This is indeed a shadow/GI issue in 4.3.10.
I believe an update will be released soon.



Thanks Dries,

any idea of timescale?

Good to know I wasn't slowly going insame.

Thanks again,
