What is going wrong? Message: Could not open keyshot3.xml

Started by guest81240, January 01, 2014, 08:46:17 PM

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Hello to all,

I am using a AMD machine with 8GB RAM, 64 bit. Win 7
Software Keyshot 4
The issue is: I can not load *3ds files more than 1MB.
Is the file bigger than 1 MB the screen shows "Set up" and nothing work, no rendering.
The log information show: Could not open keyshot3.xml in yellow, other bugs in red.

What is going wrong? I have no explication.
Is there somebody who can help me please? Thank You.


I am not sure why you would get the message "Can't open keyshot3.xml". Try uninstalling KeyShot 4, and then do a reinstall using the full installer.


Hello Thomas Teger,
I followed Your advice, canceled Keyshot 4.3.10, downloaded once more Keyshot 4.3.10 and installed it.
The result is the same. See picture attachment.
I am without words.... I have no explication for the bugs.
In celler I have an old INTEL Pentium machine, with only 1GB RAM. The rendering ist slowly, but Keyshot 4 works, import 3ds files with 50 MB...no problem. Days I work now, to find out what ist going wrong with the AMD machine.
Thomas, Your name sound me You are a German. If so, for me it is more easy to chat in German language, if You like so. Thank You.
Alfred Dirksen


Hi, I'm getting same error even more i'm not able to import high poly models. Reinstall does not help me so I think that error appears only in 4.3.10 version i can't remember getting this in older version. I'm also using AMD with 12GB ram  and GF 460GTX

Chad Holton

Quote from: Solimatorko on January 28, 2014, 04:02:58 AM
Hi, I'm getting same error even more i'm not able to import high poly models. Reinstall does not help me so I think that error appears only in 4.3.10 version i can't remember getting this in older version. I'm also using AMD with 12GB ram  and GF 460GTX


Reinstalling won't replace the XML file. Try this: find the keyshot4.xml file (most likely located in your KeyShot 4 resource folder) and move (not copy) to your desktop for backup (you can delete this later if you like). Then reinstall KeyShot. This will create a new XML file. Let me know how it goes.



Hello Chad,

I made exactly what You have recommended.
The result is the following:
First time I had no problems to import a 3ds file with 4 MB. The second time I tryed to import the same file once more with no result.

Alfred Dirksen


OK I did what you was suggesting but it does not work :( BUT I find out that KeyShot was complaining about keyskot3.xml but i have KeyShot 4 and in my Doc/KeyShot4 folder is only keyshot4.xml so just for fun i have created a copy of my keyshot4.xml file and rename it to keyshot3.xml and Vuala it's working fine, but only for frst time you load scene secon time it does not work. KeyShot is still complain that he can not open keyshot3.xml for reading but no more "red" warning and errors appear in log dialog only this one "yellow" for frst time second time there are "red" error.


One more thing. I was trying to open same BIP file 10 times and (I was changing the way once as File->Import second as File->Open)
1 time - OK
2 time - Fail
3 time - Ok
4-7     - Fail
8-9     - Ok
10-     - Fail
Really weird behaviour


More then 6 weeks I prove to run the program. All the advices had not work.
At least, handling the Keyshot 4, the maschine made an completly crash.

I believe the Keyshot4 has a lot of bugs, running with an AMD maschine.
I give up......
Alfred Dirksen