(solved) Help! Queued Renderings Coming Out Dark!

Started by Will Gibbons, June 01, 2014, 06:11:44 PM

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Will Gibbons

First off, greetings! I'm pretty new to this forum but am sure I'll become a regular here as Keyshot's become my new favorite tool!

Issue: My renderings that I queue up (regardless of output file format specification or quality settings) end up very dark like most of the pins in the hdri are turned off. As soon as I do a realtime render or even an 'advanced control' rendering, the result looks good. My client needs many color variations with multiple views, and it doesn't make sense for me to do those individually, but as soon as the queue is used, I get dark renderings.  :-\

I did a fresh install of KS5 two nights ago, and so far this is the only thing I've noticed isn't behaving well for me.

My render settings:
Samples - 16
Ray Bounces - 6
Anti Aliasing - 2
Shadow - 1
GI - 0
Pixel Blur 1.8
DOF - 1
Caustics - 0
Sharp Shadows - Y
Sharper Texture filtering - Y
Global Illumination Cache - Y

Render Mode: Add to queue
Format: PNG
Alpha Transparency - Y
Res: 3999x1960 300 DPI

Please let me know if you have suggestions or if you need further information to diagnose.

First Attachment is the one I like (rendering immediately, not the queue) and the second is what I get when using the queue.

I'm grateful for any suggestions.


Hi, I can't help you with your question, but I will say that with a product like this (twin-shot rubbery injection moulding) you are probably better(or faster) outputting a clown pass and changing the colour manually in photoshop. As long as the intention is just to change the colour and not the material type. I do this sometimes just to minimise wear and tare on my poor old laptops cpu.



Are your HDRI's on the same computer you are working on, or are they on a server? I've had issues with decals dissapearing in the past using the Queue when my decals were on the server, as soon as I moved the decal bitmaps to my workstation the queued images rendered properly

Will Gibbons

Quote from: edwardo on June 02, 2014, 03:40:18 AM
Hi, I can't help you with your question, but I will say that with a product like this (twin-shot rubbery injection moulding) you are probably better(or faster) outputting a clown pass and changing the colour manually in photoshop. As long as the intention is just to change the colour and not the material type. I do this sometimes just to minimise wear and tare on my poor old laptops cpu.


Thanks for your suggestion ed, however since I'll have a total of 5 products, each with up to 15 color combinations, and 2 or 3 views each, that final number of renderings becomes very large. I've already got the KS file set up and am hoping to find a way to let the program do its magic as it's supposed to. For smaller runs, I'll give your method a shot.


Will Gibbons

Quote from: Robb63 on June 02, 2014, 03:47:19 AM
Are your HDRI's on the same computer you are working on, or are they on a server? I've had issues with decals dissapearing in the past using the Queue when my decals were on the server, as soon as I moved the decal bitmaps to my workstation the queued images rendered properly

This is an interesting thought. I do keep most of my content on a larger hdd and my program files on a smaller ssd, so I can double-check to see if my HDRI is in the scenes folder in the KS5 folder. I do have a suspicion it has to do with using my custom HDRI's settings... almost like when I queue the renderings up and hit the process button, it uses different settings.

Thanks for the idea.

Will Gibbons

Figured I'd mention that I resolved my issue and it's because of another post. The HDRZ file I created and was using wasn't in one of Keyshot's default environment folders. Once I moved it there, saved and refreshed it, all was well.

Cheers all