Keyshot 5 Preview???

Started by Robb63, March 10, 2014, 04:18:05 AM

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Alright, so we know it's coming, but when do we get a preview online?

Can you let us in on some of the new features yet?

Anxiously Waiting!


sometimes there was also a (half-)open beta phase before release...
will there be anything like this for Keyshot 5 for existing customers?


just read there will be a presentation of Keyshot 5.0 or some features of it on march 20, in Lindau, Germany.
This will be hold by Claus Wann Jensen, Chief Executive Officer of Luxion

Hopefully after that we can find something about it here in the blog  ;)


just found a link to this on twitter:

KeyShot 5 Beta Preview

Thursday, March 27th, 10:00AM – 11:00AM PDT

(Level: Beginner) A sneak peek at the new features coming to KeyShot 5. You'll get a first look at the new features for rendering and animation, plus see the new KeyShot Share Site. Sign up now as space is limited! In this webinar:

  • Sharing resources using the KeyShot Cloud
  • Streamlined workflow with a complete UI update
  • Sneak peek of new features including performance enhancements, backplate perspective matching, instancing and the pattern tool, favorites tab, image editor, and new procedural textures.
  • Q&A


KeyShot 5.0 – What's New!

User Interface Improvements
new user interface KeyShot 5Even though KeyShot is already the easiest to use rendering solution available, this didn't stop the developers at Luxion from optimising the interface even more and provide the desired results even faster e.g. through the new welcome screen giving direct access to recently used scenes, news and tutorials.

NURBS Raytracing
NURBS raytracing in KeyShot 5.0Ultimate perfection: Instead of approximate calculation of renderings by means of polygons you now can directly render your CAD data without triangulating for maximum precision.

KeyShot Cloud
KeyShot CloudGet access to a variety of material, textures and environments from other users of the KeyShot community.

Animated Materials
animated lights realised with with material animationCreate animations with changing materials, including physical lights, of course!

Motion Blur
Motion BlurSometimes, perfection doesn't need to be perfect. KeyShot's new Motion Blur feature allows to simulate the technical shortcomings of real-world photo and video cameras when capturing moving objects.

Other new features in KeyShot 5

  • Automatically fit to perspective: Place your models in proper perspective right from the start – even if you have no information about your backplate's parameters. Just draw a sketch on the ground where you want the object and KeyShot will do the rest.
  • Pattern tool: Place patterns of model instances in your scene, e.g. circular or rectangular formations – just as you know it from your CAD software.
  • New materials and procedural textures: the library has been extended including two-coloured materials
  • Use animations in KeyShotVR
  • Extended functionality in HDRI Editor

