Translucent materials appearing gridded

Started by Will Gibbons, August 18, 2015, 05:29:02 PM

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Will Gibbons

Not sure how else to describe it. The spheres were added with Edit>Add Geometry>Sphere. I added a translucent material and at various settings, realtime and regular render output are resulting in an odd gridded look rather than a smooth surface. Any idea what's causing it and if it's my fault or an issue within KeyShot? Could it be that the spheres KeyShot inserts are very low poly and that structure becomes visible with a translucent material for some reason?



Some of us have noticed this, I think it's just an un-smoothed poly model or it's a poor NURBs translation :)


Will Gibbons

Makes sense. I could/should have tested it by importing a sphere from my modeling program before asking here. Thanks Martin,